Welcome to Room 9's blog.

We hope you enjoy looking at our photos, stories and art over the year!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Friday afternoon ART

Kreed and Foni's paintings
 We were lucky to be given some cardboard frames to paint on.
It was great to be able to have another go at our sunset paintings.


Tasha bought some pinecones from home so we could make pinecone insects.

It was a messy day in Room 9 on Friday!  Group 3 had been reading Junior Journals.  It was not easy to make pine cone pals.  We had to stick on eyes, wings and sprinkle glitter onto the paint.  It was really fun and messy.
By Emily W

Emily C and Heid's pine cone insects

Me and Heidi worked together.  We painted it and put glitter on it.  It looked cool.  I liked twising the pipe cleaners and sticking the eyes and glitter on.  That was cool and awesome!

Ryan and Emily.W's creations

Ryan said: It was really fun, it took a lot of time, mine fell on the

 floor twice and it was really messy but fun!

Assembly Certificates

Brooke has been working hard this term and got the Principal's Certificate this week at assembly!

Shawna also recieved a certificate this week for her awesome progress in her reading. 

Monday, 26 March 2012


Penina has been lucky to be part of the school Nutrition group for the last six weeks. 
Making the yummy fruit sticks

Toasties and fruit sticks

Carrots & Celery with dip

Here are some of the sandwiches they made.

Dennis and Penina getting the fruit kebabs ready
"It was the best snack Room 9 ever had", said Jayden.  Renee added, "it was yum to eat".

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Wall hanaging by Mrs Eaton's Mum
Paintings by...from Top left
Penina, Brooke, Renee, Foni, Shawna and Sione

With a little help the last one goes up!

Some more art.....with help by Jeremy & Jessica

Dragonflies by ...Brooke, Manaia, McKenzie, Emily W, Emily C and Acacia

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Last week on Friday we won Spot at Assembly because our class were sitting up nicely in assesmbly.  Here is Foni with Spot.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Take a look at our fantastic sunset paintings!
From left to right:
Foni, Isaac, McKenzie, Emily.W, Acacia, Ryan, Heidi, Renee,
Acacia and Jayden were recognised in Week 7's assembly
for having a great attitude with their learning in class.  Well done!
Keep up your best work.....not long to the next assembly!